Almost twenty years from my meeting with the NSW Minister, the last holdout, South Australia, is going to revoke their restrictive law against (lay) hypnotists.
Factors in Becoming a Successful Hypnotherapist
Gil shares his top four factors for becoming a sucessful Hypnotherapist.
Hypnosis Defined
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind with special identifying characteristics as follows: An extraordinary quality of mental, physical and emotional relaxation. An emotionalised desire to satisfy the suggested behaviour; the subject feels like following the hypnotists instructions, directions and suggestions, except those that generate conflict with the subject’s values, i.e. character attitudes, religious beliefs… [Read More]
Hypnosis for arthritis and kidney stones
Newspaper reports that “TOP California hypnotist Gil Boyne has proved that his incredible psychic powers can cure arthritis and dissolve kidney stones without the use of drugs or surgery.”
NCH Interview with Gil from 2001
We’ve all had special days, days that we will look back on for the rest of our lives. Today was such a day. Having been in the audience of an excellent 4 day seminar given by Gil Boyne on Clinical Hypnosis I had been invited to interview him at his home in Islington.